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Thumbtable site for support and reporting those nasty bugs.

Recent support topics

Because this specific thumbtable site is more a support forum i've added a support forum widget to the home page. You will likely not have a forum, but if you want one you of course can just create one.
Title User
i'm new on this interface and i would like to know if there is some manual or guides to understand the interface elkau
Stable update Joop
Security update Joop
Suggestion Sub Forum? Purehotpinays
Are Links To Branded Websites Indexed By Search Engines or Do Follow? Purehotpinays
A new week a new update Joop
Last day of the week update Joop
9 feb. 2022 update Joop
Another day another list of fixed bugs Joop
Fixed bugs Joop


To categorize all you images you can put them in folders. Or you can simply put them all in 1 folder if you're a bit lazy
The "All images" folder is a special folder containing all your images.


You can also create galleries, it's quite simple.

Likes & reposts

Title says it all, likes and reposts appear here.


Here you can see all the users that have registered on this site. Note that you can remove/add and move any widget around.


This widget displays the profile images (+link to profile) of your friends.


You can create one or more pages which contain any type of content, ranging from images to text and video's. Be creative!

Who is online

This is where you see al the Thumbtablers (users that use that are currenly active on this site.

Suggest image

Anyone can suggest/post images to this thumbtable site. On this site the moderator must approve the suggested images before they appear. (this is ofcourse configurable for your thumbtable site)

Suggest a image

Recent images

This likely doesn't need any explanation, it is a big table with all the recent uploaded images.
dmca   thumbtable